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St. Peter's Cafe

13 January 2025 11:14

St. Peter's Church is open during daylight hours for visitors or those wanting to spend some time in quiet reflection. 

   Our lovely pop-up church cafe is open Mondays 9:30 - 11:30 and Thursdays 2:30-4:30 and you are particularly welcome to drop in at these times. We serve tea, coffee and other hot drinks along with a range of cakes and always a friendly chat.

On Mondays we have a Story and Rhyme Time for young children and their carers from 9:30a.m. Afterwards children play and adults recuperate with a cup of tea or coffee. Those just wanting to pop in for morning coffee are most welcome too!

The Thursday cafe is a hive of activity and it's always great to see all our regulars and new faces too. We have several special interest tables so you can meet to chat in Guernsey French.  Learn all the cryptic crossword tips from Peter.  Join our group to knit and crochet squares to make blankets for Tumiani and other charities. 

 Do come and join the fun or just enjoy a cup of tea and a chat.